SYStem.CPU CortexA9MPCore SYStem.JtagClock 10MHz SYSTEM.OPTION ENRESET OFF SYSTEM.OPTION TRST OFF SYSTEM.OPTION DBGACK OFF SYStem.MultiCore.DAPIRPRE 0x6 SYStem.MultiCore.DAPIRPOST 0x0 SYStem.MultiCore.DAPDRPRE 0x1 SYStem.MultiCore.DAPDRPOST 0x0 SYStem.CPUACCESS ENABLE SYStem.CONFIG MEMORYACCESSPORT 0. SYStem.CONFIG DEBUGACCESSPORT 1. 2. // chip has 2 cores CORE.NUMBER 2. // chip has 2 cores CORE.SELECT 0. // debugger focus on core 0 SYStem.CONFIG COREBASE 0x80090000 0x80092000 SYStem.Up ;WORKAROUND: JTAG Chain is Accessible before Boot ROM Execution is Complete Go WAIT 1.s ON ERROR JUMPTO continue BREAK ON ERROR continue: ;WORKAROUD: The PC of the Second CPU Points to an Invalid Address when Booting from JTAG core 1 r.s pc 0xFFFFFE18 Go WAIT 1.s BREAK do ps7_init.cmm "your ps7_init.tcl (absolute path)" core 0 DATA.LOAD.ELF "your .elf (absolute path)" /VERIFY