This guide presents all SDx™ development environment features related to performance analysis of the design. It is also logically structured to assist in the actual performance improvement effort. Dedicated sections are available for the main components of the SDAccel™ environment performance bottlenecks, namely Accelerator, PCIe® bus transfer, and Host code. Each of these sections is structured to guide the developer from recognizing bottlenecks all the way to solution approaches to increase overall system performance.
Similarly, the general concepts regarding coding of host code or accelerator kernels are not explained here; these concepts are introduced in the SDAccel Environment Programmers Guide.
Execution Model of an SDAccel Application
The SDAccel environment is designed to provide a simplified development experience for FPGA-based software acceleration platforms. The general structure of the acceleration platform is shown in the following figure.
Figure: Architecture of an SDAccel Application
The custom application is running on the host x86 server and uses OpenCL API calls to interact with the FPGA accelerators. The Xilinx runtime (XRT) manages those interactions. The application is written in C/C++ using OpenCL APIs. The custom kernels are running within a Xilinx FPGA with the XRT managing interactions between the host application and the accelerator. Communication between the host x86 machine and the accelerator board occurs across the PCIe bus.
The SDAccel hardware platform contains global memory banks. The data transfer between the host machine and kernels, in either direction, occurs through these global memory banks. The kernels running on the FPGA can have one or more memory interfaces. The connection from the memory banks to those memory interfaces is programmable and determined by linking options of the compiler.
The SDAccel execution model follows these steps:
- The host application writes the data needed by a kernel into the global memory of the attached device through the PCIe interface.
- The host application programs the kernel with its input parameters.
- The host application triggers the execution of the kernel function on the FPGA.
- The kernel performs the required computation while reading and writing data from global memory, as necessary.
- The kernels write data back to the memory banks, and notify the host that it has completed its task.
- The host application reads data back from global memory into the host memory space, and continues processing as needed.
The FPGA can accommodate multiple kernel instances at one time; this can occur between different types of kernels or multiple instances of the same kernel. The XRT transparently orchestrates the communication between the host application and the kernels in the accelerator. The number of instances of a kernel is determined by compilation options.
SDAccel Build Process
The SDAccel environment offers all of the features of a standard software development environment:
- Optimized compiler for host applications
- Cross-compilers for the FPGA
- Robust debugging environment to help identify and resolve issues in the code
- Performance profilers to identify bottlenecks and optimize the code
Within this environment, the build process uses a standard compilation and linking process for both the software elements, and the hardware elements of the project. As shown in the following figure, the host application is built through one process using standard GCC compiler, and the FPGA binary is built through a separate process using the Xilinx xocc compiler.
Figure: Software/Hardware Build Process
- Host application build process using GCC:
- Each host application source file is compiled to an object file (.o).
- The object files (.o) are linked with the Xilinx SDAccel runtime shared library to create the executable (.exe).
- FPGA build process is highlighted in the following figure:
- Each kernel is independently compiled to a Xilinx object (.xo) file.
- C/C++ and OpenCL C kernels are compiled for implementation on an FPGA using the xocc compiler. This step leverages the Vivado® HLS compiler. Pragmas and attributes supported by Vivado HLS can be used in C/C++ and OpenCL C kernel source code to specify the desired kernel micro-architecture and control the result of the compilation process.
- RTL kernels are compiled using the
utility. The RTL kernel wizard in the SDAccel environment can be used to simplify this process.
- The kernel .xo files
are linked with the hardware platform (shell) to create the FPGA binary
(.xclbin). Important architectural
aspects are determined during the link step. In particular, this is where
connections from kernel ports to global memory banks are established and
where the number of instances for each kernel is specified.
- When the build target is software or hardware emulation, as described below, xocc generates simulation models of the device contents.
- When the build target is the system (actual hardware), xocc generates the FPGA binary for the device leveraging the Vivado Design Suite to run synthesis and implementation.
- Each kernel is independently compiled to a Xilinx object (.xo) file.
Figure: FPGA Build Process
Build Targets
The SDAccel tool build process generates the host application executable (.exe) and the FPGA binary (.xclbin). The SDAccel build target defines the nature of FPGA binary generated by the build process.
The SDAccel tool provides three different build targets, two emulation targets used for debug and validation purposes, and the default hardware target used to generate the actual FPGA binary:
- Software Emulation (
) - Both the host application code and the kernel code are compiled to run on the x86 processor. This allows iterative algorithm refinement through fast build-and-run loops. This target is useful for identifying syntax errors, performing source-level debugging of the kernel code running together with application, and verifying the behavior of the system.
- Hardware Emulation (
) - The kernel code is compiled into a hardware model (RTL) which is run in a dedicated simulator. This build and run loop takes longer but provides a detailed, cycle-accurate, view of kernel activity. This target is useful for testing the functionality of the logic that will go in the FPGA and for getting initial performance estimates.
- System (
) - The kernel code is compiled into a hardware model (RTL) and is then implemented on the FPGA device, resulting in a binary that will run on the actual FPGA.
SDAccel Optimization Flow Overview
SDAccel environment is a complete software development environment for creating, compiling, and optimizing C/C++/OpenCL applications to be accelerated on Xilinx FPGAs. The SDAccel environment includes the three recommended flows for optimizing an application. For information on each flow, refer to the following:
Baselining Functionalities and Performance
It is very important to understand the performance of your application before you start any optimization effort. This is achieved by baselining the application in terms of functionalities and performance.
Figure: Baselining Functionalities and Performance Flow
Identify Bottlenecks
The first step is to identify the bottlenecks of the current application
running on your existing platform. The most effective way is to run the application with
profiling tools, like valgrind
, callgrind
, and GNU gprof
. The profiling data
generated by these tools show the call graph with the number of calls to all functions and their
execution time. The functions that consume the most execution time are good candidates to be
offloaded and accelerated onto FPGAs.
Convert Target Functions
After the target functions are selected, convert them to OpenCL C kernels or C/C++ kernels without any optimization. The application code calling these kernels will also need to be converted to use OpenCL APIs for data movement and task scheduling.
Run Software and Hardware Emulation
Next, run software and hardware emulation to verify the function correctness and generate profiling data on the host code and the kernels. Analyze the kernel compilation reports, profile summary, timeline trace, and device hardware transactions to understand the baselined performance estimate such as timing, interval, and latency and resource utilization, such as DSP and block RAM.
Build and Run the Application
The last step in baselining is building and running the application on an FPGA acceleration card. Analyze the reports from the system compilation and the profiling data from application execution to see the actual performance and resource utilization.
Optimizing Data Movement
Figure: Optimizing Data Movement Flow
In the OpenCL API, all data is transferred from the host memory to the global memory on the device first and then from the global memory to the kernel for computation. The computation results are written back from the kernel to the global memory and lastly from the global memory to the host memory. A key factor in determining strategies for kernel optimization is understanding how data can be efficiently moved around.
During data movement optimization, it is important to isolate data transfer code from computation code because inefficiency in computation might cause stalls in data movement. Xilinx recommends that you modify the host code and kernels with data transfer code only for this optimization step. The goal is to maximize the system level data throughput by maximizing PCIe bandwidth usage and DDR bandwidth usage. It usually takes multiple iterations of running software emulation, hardware emulation, as well as execution on FPGAs, to achieve the goal.
Optimizing Kernel Computation
Figure: Optimizing Kernel Computation Flow
One of the key benefits of an FPGA is that you can create custom logic for your specific application. The goal of kernel computation optimization is to create processing logic that can consume all the data as soon as they arrive at kernel interfaces. The key metric during this step is the initiation interval (II). This is generally achieved by expanding the processing code to match the data path with techniques such as function pipelining, loop unrolling, array partitioning, data flowing, etc. The SDAccel environment produces various compilation reports and profiling data during hardware emulation and system run to assist your optimization effort. Refer to SDAccel Profiling and Optimization Features for details on the compilation and profiling report.