Tool Generation Information

The utility also reports the xocc command line used to generate the xclbin. The Command Line section gives the actual xocc command line used, while the Options section displays each option used in the command line, but in a more readable format with one option per line.

Generated By
Command:       xocc
Version:       2018.3 - Tue Nov 20 19:42:42 MST 2018 (SW BUILD: 2394611)
Command Line:  xocc -t hw_emu --platform /opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1/xilinx_
			   u200_xdma_201830_1.xpfm --save-temps -l --nk krnl_vadd:1 -g 
			   --messageDb binary_container_1.mdb 
			   --xp misc:solution_name=link --temp_dir binary_container_1 
			   --report_dir binary_container_1/reports --log_dir binary_
			   container_1/logs --remote_ip_cache
			   /wrk/tutorials/ip_cache -obinary_container_1.xclbin binary_
Options:       -t hw_emu
               --platform /opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1.xpfm
               --nk krnl_vadd:1
               --messageDb binary_container_1.mdb
               --xp misc:solution_name=link
               --temp_dir binary_container_1
               --report_dir binary_container_1/reports
               --log_dir binary_container_1/logs
               --remote_ip_cache /wrk/tutorials/ip_cache
			   -obinary_container_1.xclbin binary_container_1/krnl_vadd.xo 
User Added Key Value Pairs