Installing Xilinx Runtime

Xilinx Runtime (XRT) is implemented as a combination of user-space and kernel driver components. XRT supports Alveo PCIe-based cards, as well as Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC-based embedded system platforms, and provides a software interface to Xilinx programmable logic devices.

You only need to install XRT once, regardless of how many platforms you may be installing.

IMPORTANT: XRT installation uses standard Linux RPM and Linux DEB distribution files, and root access is required for all software and firmware installations.

<rpm-dir> or <deb-dir> is the directory where you downloaded the packages to install.

To download and install the XRT package for your operating system, do the following.


  1. To download the RPM file, click this link.
  2. To install the package, enter the following command.
    sudo yum install <rpm-dir>/<xrt_filename>.rpm


  1. To download the DEB file, click one of the following:
  2. To install the package, enter the following command.
    sudo apt install <deb-dir>/<xrt_filename_OS>.deb
    Note: <OS> represents the Ubuntu operating system version (16.04 or 18.04) you are using.
    IMPORTANT: When installing XRT on Ubuntu, if the 2015 version of pyopencl is installed on your system, you must uninstall it. The XRT installation will install the 2019 version of pyopencl and will return an error if the 2015 version is installed. For more information, see AR#73055.