Creating a Platform Project from XSA
To create a new platform project in the Vitis integrated design environment (IDE), follow these steps:
- Launch the New Platform Project wizard using any one of the
following methods:
- Go to .
- Click to open the New Project wizard. Then select .
- Provide a project name in the Project name field and click Next.
- In the Platform Project wizard, choose Create from hardware specification (XSA) and either select one of the provided XSAs for the evaluation boards, or browse to select the XSA exported from Vivado® Design Suite.
- Select the operating system and processor to create the initial domain for the platform project.
- For platforms based on Zynq-7000 SoC and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC devices, select the option to generate the boot
components as part of the platform design.
- Click Finish to generate the platform project.
- Build the project to generate the platform. The Console view shows the status of the platform generation.
- Confirm the platform has been added to the platform repository. Click .