The following is a list of miscellaneous commands:
Load a Vivado HW design.
loadhw [options]
Load a Vivado HW design, and set the memory map for the current target. If the current target is a parent for a group of processors, memory map is set for all its child processors. If current target is a processor, memory map is set for all the child processors of its parent. This command returns the HW design object.
Option | Description |
-hw |
HW design file. |
-list |
Return a list of open designs for the targets. |
-mem-ranges [list {start1 end1} {start2 end2}] |
List of memory ranges from which the memory map should be set. Memory map is not set for the addresses outside these ranges. If this option is not specified, then memory map is set for all the addresses in the hardware design. |
Design object, if the HW design is loaded and memory map is set successfully. Error string, if the HW design cannot be opened.
targets -filter {name =~ "APU"}; loadhw design.xsa
the HW design named design.hdf and set memory map for all the child processors of APU
target.targets -filter {name =~ "xc7z045"}; loadhw design.xsa
Load the HW design named design.hdf and set memory map for all the child processors for
which xc7z045 is the parent. loadipxact
Load registers definitions from ipxact file
loadipxact [options] [ipxact-xml]
Load memory mapped register definitions from a ipxact-xml file, or clear previously loaded definitions and return to built-in definitions, or return the xml file that is currently loaded.
Option | Description |
-clear |
Clear definitions loaded from ipxact file and return to built-in definitions. |
-list |
Return the ipxact file that is currently loaded. |
- Select a target that supports physical memory accesses, to load memory mapped register definitions. For example, APU, RPU, PSU and Versal targets support physical memory accesses. Processor cores (A9, R5, A53, A72, etc.) support virtual memory acceses.
Nothing, if the ipxact file is loaded, or previously loaded definitions are cleared sucessfully. Error string, if load/clear failed. xml file path if -list option is used, and xml file is previously loaded.
loadipxact <xml-file>
Load register definitions from <xml-file>
. This file should be in ipxact format.
loadipxact -clear
Clear previously loaded register definitions from a xml file, and return to built-in definitions.
loadipxact -list
Return the xml file that is currently loaded.
Unload a Vivado HW design.
Close the Vivado HW design which was opened during loadhw command, and clear the memory map for the current target. If the current target is a parent for a group of processors, memory map is cleared for all its child processors. If the current target is a processor, memory map is cleared for all the child processors of its parent. This command does not clear memory map explicitly set by users.
Write to MDM Debug Register.
mdm_drwr [options] <cmd> <data> <bitlen>
Write to MDM Debug Register. cmd is 8-bit MDM command to access a Debug Register. data is the register value and bitlen is the register width.
Option | Description |
-target-id <id> |
Specify a target id representing MicroBlaze Debug Module or MicroBlaze instance to access. If this option is not used and |
-user is not specified, then the current target is used. |
-user <bscan number> |
Specify user bscan port number. |
Nothing, if successful.
mdm_drwr 8 0x40 8
Write to MDM Break/Reset Control Reg.
Write to MicroBlaze Debug Register.
mb_drwr [options] <cmd> <data> <bitlen>
Write to MicroBlaze Debug Register available on MDM. cmd is 8-bit MDM command to access a Debug Register. data is the register value and bitlen is the register width.
Option | Description |
-target-id <id> |
Specify a target id representing MicroBlaze instance to access. If this option is not used and -user is not specified, then the current target is used. |
-user <bscan number> |
Specify user bscan port number. |
-which <instance> |
Specify MicroBlaze instance number. |
Nothing, if successful.
mb_drwr 1 0x282 10
Write to MB Control Reg.
Read from MDM Debug Register.
mdm_drrd [options] <cmd> <bitlen>
Read a MDM Debug Register. cmd is 8-bit MDM command to access a Debug Register and bitlen is the register width. Returns hex register value.
Option | Description |
-target-id <id> |
Specify a target id representing MicroBlaze Debug Module or MicroBlaze instance to access. If this option is not used and |
-user is not specified, then the current target is used. |
-user <bscan number> |
Specify user bscan port number. |
Register value, if successful.
mdm_drrd 0 32
Read XMDC ID Reg.
Read from MicroBlaze Debug Register.
mb_drrd [options] <cmd> <bitlen>
Read a MicroBlaze Debug Register available on MDM. cmd is 8-bit MDM command to access a Debug Register. bitlen is the register width. Returns hex register value.
Option | Description |
-target-id <id> |
Specify a target id representing MicroBlaze instance to access. If this option is not used and -user is not specified, then the current target is used. |
-user <bscan number> |
Specify user bscan port number. |
-which <instance> |
Specify MicroBlaze instance number. |
Register value, if successful.
mb_drrd 3 28
Read MB Status Reg.
List, get or set configuration parameters.
configparams <options>
List name and description for available configuration parameters. Configuration parameters can be global or connection specific, therefore the list of available configuration parameters and their value may change depending on current connection.
configparams <options> <name>
Get configuration parameter value(s).
configparams <options> <name> <value>
Set configuration parameter value.
Option | Description |
-all |
Include values for all contexts in result. |
-context [context] |
Specify context of value to get or set. The default context is "" which represet the global default. Not all options support context specific values. |
-target-id <id> |
Specify target id or value to get or set. This is an alternative to the -context option. |
Depends on the arguments specified.
: List of parameters and description of each parameter.
<parameter name>
: Parameter value or error, if unsupported paramter is specified.
<parameter name>
<parameter value>
: Nothing if the value is set, or error, if unsupported parameter is specified.
configparams force-mem-accesses 1
Disable access protection for dow, mrd, and mwr commands.
configparams vitis-launch-timeout 100
Change the Vitis launch timeout to 100 seconds, used for running Vitis batch mode commands.
Get Vitis or hw_server version.
version [options]
Get Vitis or hw_server version. When no option is specified, Vitis build version is returned.
Option | Description |
-server |
Get the hw_server build version, for the active connection. |
Vitis or hw_Server version, on success. Error string, if server verison is requested when there is no connection.
xsdbserver start
Start XSDB command server.
xsdbserver start [options]
Start XSDB command server listener. XSDB command server allows external processes to connect to XSDB to evaluate commands. The XSDB server reads commands from the connected socket one line at the time. After evaluation, a line is sent back starting with 'okay' or 'error' followed by the result or error as a backslash quoted string.
Option | Description |
-host <addr> |
Limits the network interface on which to listen for incomming connections. |
-port <port> |
Specifies port to listen on. If this option is not specified or if the port is zero then a dynamically allocated port number is used. |
Server details are disaplayed on the console if server is started. successfully, or error string, if a server has been already started.
xsdbserver start
Start XSDB server listener using dynamically allocated port.
xsdbserver start -host localhost -port 2000
Start XSDB server listener using port 2000 and only allow incomming connections on this host.
xsdbserver stop
Stop XSDB command server.
xsdbserver stop
Stop XSDB command server listener and disconnect connected client if any.
Nothing, if the server is closed successfully. Error string, if the server has not been started already.
xsdbserver disconnect
Disconnect active XSDB server connection.
xsdbserver disconnect
Disconnect current XSDB server connection.
Nothing, if the connection is closed. Error string, if there is no active connection.
xsdbserver version
Return XSDB command server version
xsdbserver version
Return XSDB command server protocol version.
Server version if there is an active connection. Error string, if there is no active connection.