Multiple Kernels Coding Example: FIR Filter

In this section, the filter design is used to demonstrate how to split the application into multiple AI Engines when an application exceeds the computational capacity of a single AI Engine. A finite impulse response (FIR) filter is a filter whose impulse response (or response to any finite length input) is of finite duration.

Note: Mathematically, this equation is a correlation instead of a convolution. This is the way computation is organized within the AI Engine. For this to become a convolution (FIR filtering), the coefficients have to be stored in vector CK in the reverse order. This is not a problem for symmetric filters.

In the previous equation, N denotes the taps to be used to calculate each output. The calculation process when a 32 taps filter is used as an example is shown in the following figure. int16 complex types for data and coefficient are also used as an example.

Figure 1: FIR Filter

1 Gsps Implementation with Cascade Stream

The AI Engine vector unit supports 8 MACs per cycle for cint16 multiply-accumulate cint16 types. If a four lane implementation of mul4/mac4 intrinsics is adopted, then there will be two complex operations on each lane.

16 mac4() are needed for computing four outputs because each output requires 32 complex MACs. This means, to compute four outputs, 16 cycles using an AI Engine are required. So the sample rate of an AI Engine (assuming it runs at 1 GHz) would be as follows.

4 Gsps/16 = 0.25 Gsps = 250 Msps

This calculates the compute bound of an AI Engine. However, the memory bound to see if that sample rate can be met still needs to be considered. Assume that only one stream input and one stream output are used for data transfer and the coefficients are stored in the AI Engine internal memory. The stream interface of an AI Engine supports 32 bits per cycle. It is capable of transferring one sample of data every cycle. Thus, the sample rate from the data transferring view is as follows.

1 sample/cycle *1 GHz = 1 Gsps

It is larger than compute bound, which is 250 Msps. So an AI Engine implementation will operate at 250 Msps.

Figure 2: One AI Engine FIR Filter Realization

Based on the calculations, it is possible to achieve 1 Gsps via a stream input and output stream interface. If the MAC operations of a single kernel implementation are split into four kernels, 4*250Msps = 1 Gsps, compute throughput can be achieved. Those four kernels are connected through cascade streaming. Therefore, the AI Engine compute bound matches AI Engine interface throughput.

Figure 3: 1 Gsps Implementation with Four Cascaded Kernels

Coding with Intrinsics

The four kernels in the 1 Gsps implementation can have different sets of coefficients and cascade streams between them. An implementation is shown in the following figure.

Figure 4: Four Kernels with Split Coefficient and Cascade Stream

Input data flows from stream to these four kernels. However, the second kernel will discard the first eight input data. The third kernel will discard the first 16 input data. Similarly, the fourth kernel will discard the first 24 input data.

The code for the first kernel is as follows.

#include <adf.h>
#include "fir_32tap.h"
// buffer to keep state
static v16cint16 delay_line;

void fir_32tap_core0(
	input_stream_cint16 * sig_in,
	output_stream_cacc48 * cascadeout)
	const cint16_t * __restrict coeff = eq_coef0;
	const v8cint16 *coef_  =  (v8cint16 const*)coeff;
	const v8cint16 coe = *coef_;

	v16cint16 buff = delay_line;
	v4cacc48 acc;
	const unsigned LSIZE = (samples/4/4); // assuming samples is integer power of 2 and greater than 16

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LSIZE; ++i)
		acc  = mul4(buff, 0 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 2 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
		buff = upd_v(buff, 2, readincr_v4(sig_in));
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 4 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 6 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);

		acc  = mul4(buff, 4 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 6 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
		buff = upd_v(buff, 3, readincr_v4(sig_in));
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 8 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 10, 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);

		acc  = mul4(buff, 8  , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 10 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
		buff = upd_v(buff, 0, readincr_v4(sig_in));
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 12 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 14 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);

		acc  = mul4(buff, 12 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 14 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
		buff = upd_v(buff, 1, readincr_v4(sig_in));
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 0  , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 2  , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);
    delay_line = buff;

void fir_32tap_core0_init()
	// Drop samples if not first block
	int const Delay = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < Delay; ++i)


Note that the function, fir_32tap_core0_init, is going to be the initialization function for the AI Engine kernel, fir_32tap_core0, which is only executed once at the kernel start. The purpose of this initialization function is to discard the unnecessary samples to align the input stream.

Similarly, the function, fir_32tap_core1_init, is going to be the initialization function for the AI Engine kernel, fir_32tap_core1, in the following codes. Same applies for the initialization functions, fir_32tap_core2_init and fir_32tap_core3_init.

The second kernel code is as follows.

#include <adf.h>
#include "fir_32tap.h"
// buffer to keep state
static v16cint16 delay_line;

void fir_32tap_core1(
	input_stream_cint16 * sig_in,
	input_stream_cacc48 * cascadein,
	output_stream_cacc48 * cascadeout)
    const cint16_t * __restrict coeff = eq_coef1;
    const v8cint16 *coef_  =  (v8cint16 const*)coeff;
    const v8cint16 coe = *coef_;

    v16cint16 buff = delay_line;
    v4cacc48 acc;
    const unsigned LSIZE = (samples/4/4); // assuming samples is integer power of 2 and greater than 16

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LSIZE; ++i)
        acc = readincr_v4(cascadein);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 0 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 2 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
        buff = upd_v(buff, 2, readincr_v4(sig_in));
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 4 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 6 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);

        acc = readincr_v4(cascadein);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 4 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 6 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
        buff = upd_v(buff, 3, readincr_v4(sig_in));
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 8 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 10, 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);

        acc = readincr_v4(cascadein);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 8  , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 10 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
        buff = upd_v(buff, 0, readincr_v4(sig_in));
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 12 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 14 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);

        acc = readincr_v4(cascadein);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 12 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 14 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
        buff = upd_v(buff, 1, readincr_v4(sig_in));
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 0  , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
        acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 2  , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);
    delay_line = buff;

void fir_32tap_core1_init()
	// Drop samples if not first block
    int const Delay = 8;
    for (int i = 0; i < Delay; ++i)

The third kernel is similar to the second one. The last kernel is as follows.

#include <adf.h>
#include "fir_32tap.h"
// buffer to keep state
static v16cint16 delay_line;

void fir_32tap_core3(
	input_stream_cint16 * sig_in,
	input_stream_cacc48 * cascadein,
	output_stream_cint16 * data_out)
	const cint16_t * __restrict coeff = eq_coef3;
	const v8cint16 *coef_  =  (v8cint16 const*)coeff;
	const v8cint16 coe = *coef_;

	v16cint16 buff = delay_line;

	v4cacc48 acc;

	const unsigned LSIZE = (samples/4/4); // assuming samples is integer power of 2 and greater than 16

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LSIZE; ++i)
		acc = readincr_v4(cascadein);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 0 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 2 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
		buff = upd_v(buff, 2, readincr_v4(sig_in));
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 4 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 6 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);

		acc = readincr_v4(cascadein);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 4 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 6 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
		buff = upd_v(buff, 3, readincr_v4(sig_in));
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 8 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 10, 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);

		acc = readincr_v4(cascadein);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 8  , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 10 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
		buff = upd_v(buff, 0, readincr_v4(sig_in));
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 12 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 14 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);

		acc = readincr_v4(cascadein);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 12 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 0, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 14 , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 2, 0x0000, 1);
		buff = upd_v(buff, 1, readincr_v4(sig_in));
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 0  , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 4, 0x0000, 1);
		acc  = mac4(acc, buff, 2  , 0x3210, 1,  coe, 6, 0x0000, 1);
    	delay_line = buff;

void fir_32tap_core3_init()
	// Drop samples if not first block
	int const Delay = 24;
	for (int i = 0; i < Delay; ++i)

The graph code is as follows.

#include <adf.h>
#include "kernels.h"
using namespace adf;
class firGraph : public graph {
	kernel k0,k1,k2,k3;
	input_port in0123;
	output_port out;
		k0 = kernel::create(fir_32tap_core0);
		runtime<ratio>(k0) = 0.9;
		source(k0) = "fir_32tap_core0.cpp";
		connect<stream> n0(in0123,[0]);

		k1 = kernel::create(fir_32tap_core1);
		runtime<ratio>(k1) = 0.9;
		source(k1) = "fir_32tap_core1.cpp";
		connect<stream> n1(in0123,[0]);
		connect<cascade> (k0.out[0],[1]);

		k2 = kernel::create(fir_32tap_core2);
		runtime<ratio>(k2) = 0.9;
		source(k2) = "fir_32tap_core2.cpp";
		connect<stream> n2(in0123,[0]);
		connect<cascade> (k1.out[0],[1]);

		k3 = kernel::create(fir_32tap_core3);
		runtime<ratio>(k3) = 0.9;
		source(k3) = "fir_32tap_core3.cpp";
		connect<stream> n3(in0123,[0]);
		connect<cascade> (k2.out[0],[1]);
		connect<stream> (k3.out[0],out);

		initialization_function(k0) = "fir_32tap_core0_init";
		initialization_function(k1) = "fir_32tap_core1_init";
		initialization_function(k2) = "fir_32tap_core2_init";
		initialization_function(k3) = "fir_32tap_core3_init";

The kernels connected through cascade streams are expected to operate synchronously. Conflicts in cascade streams can stall the kernels. Loops in the kernels must have input data available to run smoothly. Hence it is important that the input stream arrives at the appropriate time for each kernel. The input stream stall (if any) can be resolved by adding a large enough FIFO to the net connecting to the AI Engine kernels. For example:


Note that different FIFO depths are specified in the previous example to prevent auto FIFO merge which can occur when a common FIFO depth is used for all nets.

For the purpose of saving FIFO resources, individual FIFO depths can be set by looking at when the event CORE_INSTREAM_WIDE occurs for each kernel. The earlier the event occurs, the deeper the FIFO needs to be. For example:


For additional details about coding on graph, refer to the Versal ACAP AI Engine Programming Environment User Guide (UG1076).