Directory Structure
The directory structure generated by the GUI and make flows has been organized to allow you to easily find and access files. By navigating each compile, link, logs, and reports directories, you can easily reach generated files. Similarly, each kernel will also have a directory structure created.
Command Line
When using xocc
on the command line, by default
it creates a directory structure during compile and link. The .xo and .xclbin are always
generated in the working directory. All the intermediate files are created under the
_x directory (default name of the temp_dir).
The following example shows the generated directory structure for two xocc
compile runs (k1 and k2) and one xocc
link (design.xclbin). The k1.xo,
k2.xo and design.xclbin
files are located in the working directory. The _x directory contains the associated k1 and k2 kernel
compile sub-directories. The link, logs, and reports
directories contain the respective information on the builds.
Figure: Command Line Directory Structure
You can optionally change the directory structure using the following
--log_dir <dir_name (full or relative path)>
-–report_dir <dir_name (full or relative path)>
-–temp_dir <dir_name (full or relative path)>
See SDx Command and Utility Reference Guide for details on the
command options.
Though similar, the default directory naming and structure is not identical to
that created by the makefile flow. The following example shows the generated directory
structure for two xocc
compile runs (k1 and k2) and
one xocc
link (design.xclbin) automatically generated in the GUI flow. The k1.xo, k2.xo, and
design.xclbin files are located in the working
directory. The _x directory contains the
associated k1 and k2 kernel compile sub-directories. Again, the link, logs, and reports
directories contain the respective information on the builds.
Figure: GUI Directory Structure
The GUI manages the creation of the directory structure using the following
command specifications which can be found in
the makefile:
See the SDx Command and Utility Reference Guide for
details on the xocc
command options.