Programming for SDAccel

The custom processing architecture generated by the SDAccel™ environment for a kernel running on a Xilinx® FPGA provides opportunities for significant performance gains. However, you must take advantage of these opportunities by writing your host and kernel code specifically for acceleration on an FPGA.

The host application is running on x86 servers and uses the SDAccel runtime to manage interactions with the FPGA kernels. The host application is written in C/C++ using OpenCL™ APIs. The custom kernels are running within a Xilinx® FPGA on an SDAccel platform.

The SDAccel hardware platform contains global memory banks which are used to transfer data between the host and kernel. In addition, on supported platforms, direct streaming between the host and kernel can also be used to transfer between the host and kernel. Communication between the host x86 machine and the SDAccel accelerator board occurs across the PCIe® bus.

The following topics discuss how to write code for the host application to setup the Xilinx Runtime (XRT), load the kernel binary into the SDAccel platform, pass data efficiently between the host application and the kernel, and trigger the kernel on the FPGA at the appropriate time in the host application.

The FPGA fabric can support multiple kernels running simultaneously. Therefore, you can create multiple instances of a single kernel, or configure multiple kernels on the same device, to increase the performance of the host application. Kernels running on the FPGA can have one or more interfaces to connect to the platform or other kernels. Specifying the number of kernels running on the FPGA, memory bank connections accessed by the kernel, and streaming connections between the host and kernel or between kernels is done using xocc linking options during the build process.

For more information, see the Building the Hardware section, or for greater detail see the SDAccel Environment Programmers Guide. Refer to that guide for details of the host application, kernel code, and the interactions between them.

Coding the Host Application

When creating the host application, you must manage the required overhead to setup and configure the SDAccel runtime, program and launch the kernel, pass data back and forth between the host application and the kernel, as well as address the primary function of the application.

Setting Up the Runtime

Within every host application you must set up the environment to identify the OpenCL platform and the device IDs, specify a context, create a command queue, build a program, and spawn one or more kernels. The program identifies and configures the kernel, and transfers data between the host code and the kernel. In the host code, this process could use the following steps below.
TIP: The following code examples are taken from the IDCT example design.
  1. To set up the OpenCL runtime environment, you need to identify the Xilinx platform using the clGetPlatformIDs and clGetPlatformInfo commands. For example:
    cl_platform_id platform_id;         // platform id
    err = clGetPlatformIDs(16, platforms, &platform_count);
    // Find Xilinx Platform
    for (unsigned int iplat=0; iplat<platform_count; iplat++) {
      err = clGetPlatformInfo(platforms[iplat], 
        (void *)cl_platform_vendor,
      if (strcmp(cl_platform_vendor, "Xilinx") == 0) { 
      // Xilinx Platform found
      platform_id = platforms[iplat];
  2. Identify the Xilinx devices on the platform available for enqueuing kernels, using the clGetDeviceIDs command. Finding the device IDs requires the platform ID discovered in the prior step. For example:
    clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR, 1, &device_id, NULL);
  3. Setup the context using clCreateContext. The context is the environment that work-items execute, and identifies devices to be assigned transactions from the command queue. The example below shows the creation of the context:
    cl_context cntxt = clCreateContext(0, 1, &device_id, NULL, NULL, &err);
  4. Define the command queue using clCreateCommandQueue. The command queue is a list of commands waiting to be executed to a device. You can setup the command queue to handle commands in the order submitted, or to be out-of-order so that a command can be executed as soon as possible. Use the out-of-order command queue, or multiple in-order command queues, for concurrent kernel execution on the FPGA. An example follows:
    // Create out-of-order Command Queue
    cl_command_queue commands = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device_id, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE | CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE
    , &err);
  5. Finally, in the host code you need to set up the program, which contains and configures the kernels to be passed to the command queue by the host application. The load_file_to_memory function is used to load the file contents in the host machine memory space. The clCreateProgramWithBinary command downloads the FPGA binary (.xclbin) to the device and returns a cl_program handle. The following example shows the creation of the program using these API calls:
    char *fpga_bin;
    size_t fpga_bin_size;
    fpga_bin_size = load_file_to_memory(binaryName, &fpga_bin);
    cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithBinary(context, 1,
    				   (const cl_device_id* ) &device_id, &fpga_bin_size,
    				   (const unsigned char**) &fpga_bin, NULL, &err);

Transferring Data to/from the FPGA Device

With the program established, you can transfer the data required by the kernel to the SDAccel platform prior to triggering the kernel. The simplest way to send data back and forth from the kernel is using clCreateBuffer, clEnqueueReadBuffer, and clEnqueueWriteBuffer commands. However, to transfer the data required ahead of the transaction, use the clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects command. Using this command results reduced latency in the application. The following code example demonstrates this:
int host_mem_ptr[MAX_LENGTH]; // host memory for input vector
// Fill the memory input
for(int i=0; i<MAX_LENGTH; i++) {
  host_mem_ptr[i] = <... >   

cl_mem dev_mem_ptr = clCreateBuffer(context,  
    				 sizeof(int) * number_of_words, host_mem_ptr, NULL); 

clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_mem_ptr); 

err = clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects(commands, 1, dev_mem_ptr, 0, 0, 
TIP: By default, all the memory interfaces from all the kernels are connected to a single global memory bank. You can customize the global memory bank connections by modifying the default connection. This improves kernel performance by enabling multiple kernels to concurrently read and write data from separate global memory banks. See Mapping Kernel Interfaces to Memory Resources for more information.

Setting Up the Kernel

With the program established, you can setup the kernel, execute the kernel, and manage event synchronization between the host application and the kernel.
  1. Create a kernel from the program and the loaded FPGA binary using the clCreateKernel command:
    // Create Kernel
    cl_kernel krnl = clCreateKernel(program, "krnl_idct", &err);
  2. Set the kernel arguments using the clSetKernelArg. You can use this command to set the arguments for the kernel.
    // Set the kernel arguments
    clSetKernelArg(mKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &mInBuffer[0]);
    clSetKernelArg(mKernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &mInBuffer[1]);
    clSetKernelArg(mKernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &mOutBuffer[0]);
    clSetKernelArg(mKernel, 3, sizeof(int), &m_dev_ignore_dc);
    clSetKernelArg(mKernel, 4, sizeof(unsigned int), &mNumBlocks64);
  3. The kernel is scheduled to run on the FPGA by using the clEnqueueTask. The request to execute the kernel is placed into the command queue and either waits for its turn, or is executed when ready, depending on the nature of the queue.
    clEnqueueTask(mQ, mKernel, 1, &inEvVec[mCount], &runEvVec[mCount]);
  4. Because the clEnqueueTask (and clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects) command is asynchronous in nature, and will return immediately after the command is enqueued in the command queue, you might need to manage the scheduling of events within the host application. To resolve the dependencies among the commands in the host application, you can use clWaitForEvents or clFinish commands to pause or block execution of the host program. For example:
    // Execution waits until all commands in the command queue are finished
    clWaitForEvents(1, &readevent); // Wait for clEnqueueReadBuffer event to finish

For more information on setting up the kernel, see the SDAccel Environment Programmers Guide (UG1277).

Kernel Language Support

The SDAccel environment supports kernels expressed in OpenCL C, C/C++, and RTL (SystemVerilog, Verilog, or VHDL). You can use different kernel types in the same application. However, each kernel has specific requirements and coding styles that should be used.

Kernels created from OpenCL C and C/C++ are well-suited to software and algorithm developers. It makes it easier to start from an existing C/C++ application and accelerate portions of it.

All kernels require the following:

  • A single slave AXI4-Lite interface used to access control registers (to pass scalar arguments and to start/stop the kernel)
  • At least one of the following interfaces (can have both interfaces):
    • AXI4 master interface to communicate with global memory.
    • AXI4-Stream interface for transferring data between kernels or directly with the host.

Writing OpenCL C Kernels

The SDAccel environment supports the OpenCL C language constructs and built-in functions from the OpenCL 1.0 embedded profile. The following is an example of an OpenCL C kernel for matrix multiplication that can be compiled with the SDAccel environment.

__kernel __attribute__ ((reqd_work_group_size(16,16,1))) 
void mult(__global int* a, __global int* b, __global int* output)
  int r = get_local_id(0);
  int c = get_local_id(1);
  int rank = get_local_size(0);
  int running = 0;
  for(int index = 0; index < 16; index++){
    int aIndex = r*rank + index;
    int bIndex = index*rank + c;
    running += a[aIndex] * b[bIndex];
  output[r*rank + c] = running;

IMPORTANT: Standard C libraries such as math.h cannot be used in the OpenCL C kernel. Use OpenCL built-in C functions instead.

In the case of OpenCL C kernels, the AXI4-Lite interface is generated automatically while the AXI4-Lite memory map interfaces are generated based on the __global directive in the function definition.

Writing C/C++ Kernels

Kernels written in C/C++ are supported by the SDAccel environment. The above matrix multiplication kernel can be expressed in C/C++ code as shown below. For kernels captured in this way, the SDAccel environment supports all of the optimization techniques available in Vivado® HLS. The only thing that you must keep in mind is that expressing kernels in this way requires compliance with a specific function signature style.

It is important to keep in mind that by default, kernels captured in C/C++ for HLS do not have any inherent assumptions on the physical interfaces that will be used to transport the function parameter data. HLS uses pragmas embedded in the code to direct the compiler as to which physical interface to generate for a function port. For the function to be treated as a valid HLS C/C++ kernel, each function argument should have a valid HLS interface pragma.

void mmult(int *a, int *b, int *output)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=a offset=slave bundle=gmem
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=b offset=slave bundle=gmem
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=output offset=slave bundle=gmem
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=a bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=b bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=output bundle=control
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=control

  const int rank = 16;
  int running = 0;
  int bufa[256];
  int bufb[256];
  int bufc[256];
  memcpy(bufa, (int *) a, 256*4);
  memcpy(bufb, (int *) b, 256*4);

  for (unsigned int c=0;c<rank;c++){
    for (unsigned int r=0;r<rank;r++){
      for (int index=0; index<rank; index++) {
  #pragma HLS pipeline
        int aIndex = r*rank + index;
        int bIndex = index*rank + c;
        running += bufa[aIndex] * bufb[bIndex];
      bufc[r*rank + c] = running;

  memcpy((int *) output, bufc, 256*4);
}void mmult(int *a, int *b, int *output)

When a kernel is defined in C++, use extern "C" { ... } around the functions targeted to be kernels. The use of extern "C" instructs the compiler/linker to use the C naming and calling conventions.

For C/C++ kernels, use interface pragmas to map to AXI4-Lite and AXI4 memory map interface. While for RTL kernels, you are responsible for adding these interfaces.

Pointer Arguments

All pointers are mapped to global memory. The data is accessed through AXI interfaces which can be mapped to different banks. The memory interface specification needs the following two pragmas:

  1. The first is to define which argument the AXI memory map interface is accessed. An offset is always required. The offset=slave means that the offset of the array <variable_name> will be made available through the AXI slave interface of the kernel.
    #pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=<variable name> offset=slave bundle=<AXI_MM_name>
  2. The second pragma for the AXI Slave interface. Scalars (and pointer offsets) are mapped to one AXI Slave control interface which must be named control.
    #pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=<variable name> bundle=control
Note: Using platforms version 4.x or earlier, the interface name M_AXI_ARG_NAME was used by making arg_name uppercase irrelevant of the original capitalization and prefixing with M_AXI_.

Using current platforms (version 5.x or later) the interface name m_axi_arg_name is used; the original capitalization of arg_name must be lower case and prefixed by m_axi_.


Scalars are considered constant inputs and should also be mapped to s_axilite. The control interface specification is generated by the following command:

#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=<variable name> bundle=control

Detailed information on how these pragmas are used is available in the SDx Pragma Reference Guide.

C++ arbitrary precision data types can be used for global memory pointers on a kernel. They are not supported for scalar kernel inputs that are passed by value.


Streaming provides the capability to stream data directly to kernels without using global memory. Since global memory is not used, streaming can provide improved performance and power, but requires additional FPGA memory (block RAM).

Streaming can be broken down into two distinct types:

  1. Host to card (H2C) and card to host (C2H) streaming
  2. Kernel to kernel (K2K) streaming

In H2C and C2H, data is streamed between the host and the kernels on the card. H2C and C2H streaming is only available on select QDMA platforms such as xilinx_u200_qdma_201910_1. For streaming between H2C and C2H, no explicit connections are made by you – connections are made by the system linker automatically.

In addition to streaming data between host and card, kernel to kernel (K2K) streaming is also supported. It provides direct streams between kernels. Unlike H2C and C2H streaming, K2K streaming is supported on all platforms. However, with K2K streaming, it is necessary to specify the connections between source and destination kernel stream interfaces. This is done during xocc linking.

It is necessary to specify the following pragma for each streaming interface as shown below:

#pragma HLS interface axis port=<port_name>

The “SDAccel Streaming Platform” appendix in the SDAccel Environment Programmers Guide (UG1277) provides complete details on streaming including Host and Kernel Coding Guidelines for transfers between Host/Kernel and Kernel/Kernel. Also, for more information about C/C++ kernels, see the "Programming C/C++ Kernels" chapter in the SDAccel Environment Programmers Guide (UG1277).

Writing RTL Kernels

RTL kernels have both software and hardware requirements for it to be used in the SDAccel environment framework. On the software side, the RTL kernel must operate and adhere to the register definitions described in Kernel Software Requirements.

On the hardware side, it requires the interfaces outlined in the Kernel Interface Requirements.

For complete details on creating and using RTL kernels, see RTL Kernels.