AR# 33051


Licensing - "ERROR: Non-activation-capable daemon activation invoked with non-client-request event type"


A floating license server is started successfully, but the following error message occurs in the FLEXlm log file every day right after midnight:

"0:00:08 (xilinxd) ERROR: Non-activation-capable daemon activation invoked with non-client-request event type"

There does not seem to be any abnormal behavior found after that message. The license server is alive and the Flexnet-enabled application checks licenses in and out normally.

What is the meaning of this error? Does it affect the operation of the license server?


This error message can appear if you are using FLEXlm version 11.4.1 or later. The message refers to a newer Acresso technology used for license management called "trusted storage". A client request comes through that appears to be activation related, but the server does not support activations (older format carried over from the v7.0d License Manager).

However, there is a bug in the non_TS enable FNP Toolkits from Acresso which typically results in the error message being logged once daily in the "Debug.log" file right after midnight. The Acresso Bug ID is IOA-000027481. The error is not known to cause licensing problems and should be ignored.

AR# 33051
日期 12/15/2012
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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