AR# 4063: F1.4 Schematic: "Create schematic from netlist" loses INV from symbols in XNF file
AR# 4063
F1.4 Schematic: "Create schematic from netlist" loses INV from symbols in XNF file
Keywords: Foundation, Schematic, XNF, INV, Create netlist from schematic
Urgency: Standard
General Description: When "Create schematic from netlist" is used to create a schematic from an XNF netlist, the Foundation schematic that is created does not include the INV pin property from symbols in XNF file.
Example: The AND symbol below should be converted to an AND2B2 or an AND2 with two inverters on the inputs. Instead it is converted to an AND2 with no invertions.
SYM, AND_invs, AND, LIBVER=2.0.0 PIN, I0, I, input1,,INV PIN, I1, I, input2,,INV PIN, O, O, out1 END
The only current workaround is to replace INV pin properties in the XNF file with inverter symbols.
Example: Original: SYM, AND_invs, AND, LIBVER=2.0.0 PIN, I0, I, inv1_out PIN, I1, I, inv2_out PIN, O, O, out1 END
SYM, AND_invs, AND, LIBVER=2.0.0 PIN, I0, I, input1,,INV PIN, I1, I, input2,,INV PIN, O, O, out1 END
SYM, inv1, INV, LIBVER=2.0.0 PIN, I, I, input1 PIN, O, O, inv1_out END
SYM, inv2, INV, LIBVER=2.0.0 PIN, I, I, input1 PIN, O, O, inv2_out END