AR# 4126


Orcad: Taking a design from Capture, through XACTStep6, to Simulate


Keywords: xnf2vhdl, capture, simulate, orcad

Urgency: standard

General description: How can I create a Xilinx design in Capture,
take it through the Xilinx tools, and then simulate it with Simulate?


Follow either of the following procedures:

1.Create a design in Capture using a Xilinx library.
2.Create an XNF netlist in Capture using TOOLS->Create Netlist->XNF.
3.Point to directory containing Xilinx macro netlists using the
-d option of XNFMERGE
4.From there you can run the XactStep6 tools to merge, place and
route the XNF file(s).
5.Run XNF2VHDL in Simulate on the result of step 4).
6.Make a project and add that VHD file in Simulate. From this point
you should be able to perform the simulation.

1.Create a design in Capture using a Xilinx library.
2.Create a VST netlist in Capture which will produce an INF file.
3.Run SDT2XNF from the command line in XACT6. SDT2XNF will be on
the Xilinx v6.00 CD in the OrCAD directory.
4.From there you can run the Xilinx v6.00 Windows to merge, place
and route the XNF file(s).
5.Run XNF2VHDL in Simulate on the result of step 4).
6.Make a project and add that VHD file in Simulate. From this
point you should be able to perform the simulation.

The process above doesn't require Annotate.exe, Inet.exe, or
Sdt_c.exe. Modifying XSIMMAKE.XFW to omit Annotate and Inet should
still produce the same result above.

AR# 4126
日期 10/06/2008
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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