AR# 42385


Licensing - Does a license limit what software versions can be used?


Does a license limit what software versions can be used?


Yes, all licenses have a version limit.
  • The version limit corresponds to a year and a month, for example, 2010.04 corresponds to April 2010 and to the end of your warranty period.
  • The license enables any version of the software released before the end of the Version Limit month.
  • The WebPACK licenses have a version limit of one year after the software was initially released.
  • The IP Full and Source Code license keys enable all versions of the IP released before the version limit.
  • The LogiCORE IP licenses obtained before ISE Design Suite11.2 was released do not have a version limit but are created for a specific LogiCORE IP version.
    You can generate a license for each version of the LogiCORE IP available when the core is purchased.
  • A version limit is not an expiration date.
    The expiration date in the license is indicated separately and is typically "permanent," indicating that the license does not expire.
    With a permanent license, a user can use the design tools or IP core versions indefinitely, as long as the license version limit is later than the version limit of the design tools or IP core.
  • The version limit of the ISE design tools is based on the final build date of the tools release.

For further information on what the required version limit is for specific Xilinx tool releases, please see (Xilinx Answer 33770)



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
33770 Licensing - What license version limit is required for my Xilinx software or IP core? N/A N/A
AR# 42385
日期 08/22/2014
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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