General Description: How do I add readback capability to a design using EPIC?
1. Load the design in EPIC.
2. When EPIC comes up, click the "Attrib" button on the toolbar. This will open the Main Window Attributes dialog box. Switch the Edit Mode from Read-Only to Read-Write. Click "OK".
3. The readback symbol is in the bottom left corner. To locate the symbol, click the "Find" button on the toolbar. This will open the Find Dialog box.
Change the find item from "Component" to "Site". In the "Name" field type RDBK in caps. Check the "Auto Pan" box. Then click on "OK".
4. This will automatically pan you to the location of the symbol and highlight it red. Now click on the "Add" toolbar button. This will turn the symbol blue and add it to the design.
5. Now, select the I/O that you wish to use. Find an unused Pin. Click on the site. The outline will turn red. Now, click on "Add" in the toolbar menu. This will turn the site blue and add it to the design.
6. Click on the site again; this will turn it red. Click on "editblock" in the toolbar menu. This will open the "Logic Block Editor" dialog box. You will see three pins. T, I, and O. There is a mux associated with each of these pins; click on the appropriate mux input to select an input or output. This will turn the line from purple to blue. Then, click "OK". Follow this step for all of the inputs and outputs that you need. In general, you only need one input and one output for readback (one for Trig and one for Data).
7. Routing the Readback symbol to the Pads. To route the Data line, go to the "Readback" symbol. The third pin from the left is the .DATA pin; click on it. The pin will turn red. Go to the Data Pad; click on the .O pin. It will turn red.
Then, click "Route" in the toolbar menu. This will route the path. Repeat this for the other signals.