AR# 42837: 13.2 ChipScope IBERT - Default line rate setting for board configuration setting is invalid
AR# 42837
13.2 ChipScope IBERT - Default line rate setting for board configuration setting is invalid
This Answer Record details a known issue in 13.2 when generating a ChipScope IBERT Virtex-6 GTX core using the Board Configuration Setting for the ML605 board.
If you are generating a Virtex-6 GTX IBERT core in 13.2 with the "ml605 bank113fmchpcscm2" setting selected and targeting a -1 speed grade Virtex-6 device, the default line rate setting is set to 6.5 Gbps. This is an invalid setting for the -1 speed grade.
You need to modify the line rate to a valid setting for the -1 speed grade GTX.
This is a known issue in 13.2 and is scheduled to be fixed in 13.3.