General Description When running map in M1.5, it may give you "invalid target architecture", although you are targetting the valid device.
Check your Xilinx install tree, to be sure all the necessary files have been installed.
For example if you are targetting xc4044xl, go to: $XILINX/xc4000xl/data/ And make sure these files exists: 4044xl.axy 4044xl.bxd 4044xl.grc 4044xl.grd 4044xl.grf 4044xl.nph 4044xl.pkg 4044xl.spd
If you do NOT have these files installed, then you will need to re-install M1.5 tools. During installation, when you come across a step where you can select the Architecture, and see "3-subcomponents" or "2-subcomponents", highlight that architecture and hit "Change" button. This will show all the sub components of that family. Be sure to select all the devices you need, and continue with installation.