When I attempt to invoke a GUI application from a Unix or Linux command line (e.g., - xilinx, timingan, promfmtr, jtagpgmr, ECS), I receive a message similar to the following:
You can safely ignore this message. It does not conflict in any way with your ability to execute the tools or implement with them.
Wind/U (used to port Windows development programs over to the WS) uses the LANGUAGE keyword for localization of its applications. The message generated here warns about the fact that a certain language setting (locale) either does not exist or is not found on your machine (e.g., - "C")
To determine which locales your system supports, use the locale command with the "-a" option to list all installed locales. For example, type:
> locale -a POSIX C iso_8859_1 de en_AU en_CA en_UK en_US es ...
NOTE: The locale command is not available on all platforms, so you might have to browse in directories such as "/usr/lib/nls, /usr/lib/locales" or "/usr/lib/X11/nls" to determine which locales are supported.
The Wind/U program first calls "setlocale" to determine whether "C" was found when you typed in "locale -a." It then tries to match that up with what is found in the ".Windu" file. To check this, perform the following:
1. Make sure that a ".WindU" file exists in your home directory (not the ".windu/" directory, but the ".WindU" file).
2. Type "less .WindU" from your home directory and search the file for the [locales] section, which should contain the following three lines:
3. To change the LANG environment variable, type: %setenv LANG <locale>
If a match is not found between the locale and ".WindU" file, Wind/U looks for a locale as defined by the LANG setting. Type in "env" from the command line to determine what your "LANG" variable is set to.
4. If no ".WindU" file is found, try unsetting the environment variable LANG by typing the following: % unsetenv LANG Or LANG= ; export LANG if you use sh shell.