AR# 50869


Zynq-7000 Example Design - Use of MicroBlaze to output "Hello World" using the PS UART


This example design allocates a MicroBlaze design in the PL. Zynq SoC boots from an SD card loading the bitstream (that contains the MicroBlaze and initialized the BRAM with a bootloop application) and u-boot.

At the u-boot prompt, SDK can be used to debug a simple MicroBlaze application that outputs "Hello World" using the PS UART.

Note: An Example Design is an answer record that provides technical tips to test a specific functionality on Zynq-7000.

A tip can be a snippet of code, a snapshot, a diagram or a full design implemented with a specific version of the Xilinx tools. 

It is up to the user to "update" these tips to future Xilinx tools releases and to "modify" the Example Design to fulfill his needs.

Limited support is provided by Xilinx on these Example Designs.


Implementation Details
Design TypePS and PL
SW TypeStandalone
CPUsSingle CPU
PS FeaturesUART
Xilinx Tools VersionEDK 14.2
Other detailsMicroBlaze BRAM initialized with bootloop 
Address Map

Files Provided
Archived XPS project.
Archived SDK project.
Block Diagram

Step by Step Instructions

1) Open archived XPS project

2) Create the bitstream system.bin

3) Open archived SDK project

4) Generate download.bin

  1. Open Program FPGA 
  2. Select Bitstream: system.bit
  3. Select BMM File: system_bd.bmm
  4. Software Configuration: microblaze_0, bootloop
  5. Program
  6. Download.bin is created

5) Create BOOT.BIN

  1. Open Create Boot Image
  2. Add the zynq_fsbl_0.elf
  3. Add the bitstream download.bin
  4. Add the u-boot.elf
  5. Create Image
  6. BOOT.bin is created

6) Copy BOOT.BIN in your SD card

7) Setup your terminal ( BAUD 115200 )

8) Boot Zynq in SD mode

9) Stop at u-boot prompt

10) Connect with XMD: connect mb mdm

11) Take note of the TCP PORT No ( 1234 )

12) Debug As for hello_world_on_mb

  1. Choose Debug Configuration
  2. Enable Remote Debug
  3. Port number ( 1234 )
  4. Debug

13) Verify u-boot is still running

14) Run the debug

15) Hello World output by MicroBlaze appears on the Terminal


文件名 文件大小 File Type 14 KB ZIP 5 MB ZIP



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
51779 Zynq-7000 SoC - Example Designs and Tech Tips N/A N/A
AR# 50869
日期 05/21/2018
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
Boards & Kits
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