The SPD module on the RDIMM can be read to determine which specific clock outputs are used and should be enabled, but MIG does not have the capability to read from the SPD so to resolve this issue all 4 clock drivers are enabled.
To work around the issue, the following RTL changes can be made inside mig_7series_v2_0_ddr_phy_init.v:
localparam REG_RC1 = 8'b00000001;
Revision History:
08/28/2013 - Initial release
Answer Number | 问答标题 | 问题版本 | 已解决问题的版本 |
54025 | MIG 7 Series - IP Release Notes and Known Issues for Vivado | N/A | N/A |
AR# 57279 | |
日期 | 09/03/2013 |
状态 | Active |
Type | 已知问题 |
器件 | |
IP |