2) Source the Tcl script in Vivado:
vivado -source design.tcl
In the static simulation mode, you cannot use commands that control or monitor a simulation (for example, run commands), because there is no underlying "live" simulation model to control.
However, you can view waveforms and the HDL design hierarchy in a static simulation.
As the simulator creates no waveform configuration by default, you must create a new waveform configuration or open an existing WCFG file.
For more information on WCFG, please refer to Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900).
In Vivado Design Suite versions earlier than 2014.3, WDB files are neither backward nor cross-operating system compatible.
You must open the WDB file in the same version and on the same OS type in which it was created.
Starting in version 2014.3, cross-operating system compatibility has been enabled.
A WDB file created in one operating system will work in other operating systems.
WCFG files are both backward and cross-OS compatible.
However, you cannot open a WDB file created in a previous version of Vivado Design Suite.