AR# 64948


2015.2 Vivado - Zynq-7000 FBV484 Package does not reflect correct package delay for PS7 DDR Configuration


In the PS7 Configuration Window in Vivado IP Integrator, you can see the FBV484 package delay values for DDRC:

However, those values are incorrect.


This issue will be fixed in Vivado 2015.3.

There are currently two work-arounds available:

Option 1:

The FBV484 package is compatible with FBG484.

You can select the FBG484 package in your project setting instead.

Option 2:

You can manually input the package delay.

For correct values, refer to the FBG484 package below:

AR# 64948
日期 08/26/2015
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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