In Vivado 2015.3, the auto-generated compile script for ModelSim/Questa has double quotes added for +incdir+ arguments.
This does not occur in Vivado 2015.2.
For example:
vlog -64 -incr -sv -work xil_defaultlib \
+incdir+"./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/ip_0/rtl/map" \
+incdir+"./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/rtl/ip_top" \
+incdir+"./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/rtl/cal" \
vlog -64 -incr -sv -work xil_defaultlib \
+incdir+./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/ip_0/rtl/phy \
+incdir+./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/ip_0/rtl/map \
+incdir+./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/rtl/ip_top \
If I launch ModelSim/Questa simulation from the 2015.3 Vivado GUI in Windows, I get this error.
# ** Error: ./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/ip_0/rtl/phy/ddr4sdram_phy_ddr4.sv(731): Cannot find `include file "ddr4sdram_phy_iobMapDDR4.vh" in directories: # "./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/ip_0/rtl/map", "./../../.
However, the same 2015.3 flow in Linux works fine, and the same 2015.2 flow works in both platforms.
Why does the double quotes with +incdir+ fail to work for ModelSim/Questa in Windows?
In Vivado 2015.2, the include directory was not wrapped in double quotes and it would fail when the directory contained a space.
This is why the quotes were added in the 2015.3 release.
Double quotes with +incdir+ work correctly for ModelSim/Questa, but it depends on how it has been invoked:
- In Linux, we directly call the .do file:
ExecStep source ./sim_tb_top_compile.do 2>&1 | tee -a compile.log
Here double quotes with +incdir+ are being invoked on the terminal and work fine.
- In Window, the do file is passed to a vsim command:
call %bin_path%/vsim -c -do "do {sim_tb_top_compile.do}" -l compile.log
Here commands are getting invoked within the vsim prompt and in this case double quotes with +incdir+ do not work.
To fix the issue when the commands are invoked within the vsim prompt, please follow the steps below:
- Within the Vivado GUI, go to Tools > Xilinx Tcl Store and click on the Refresh button
- After the refresh, click on the Update button for the ModelSim and Questa app
- Relaunch behavioral simulation
Alternatively, you can manually edit the script to also wrap +incdir+ in double quotes.
Change the script from the following:
vlog -64 -incr -sv -work xil_defaultlib \
+incdir+"./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/ip_0/rtl/map" \
+incdir+"./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/rtl/ip_top" \
+incdir+"./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/rtl/cal" \
Change the script to the following:
vlog -64 -incr -sv -work xil_defaultlib \
"+incdir+./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/ip_0/rtl/map" \
"+incdir+./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/rtl/ip_top" \
"+incdir+./../../../ddr4_test.srcs/sources_1/ip/ddr4sdram/rtl/cal" \
This issue will be fixed in Vivado 2015.4, in which you do not have to refresh the Tcl Store catalog.