AR# 68029


Modular Media over IP ST2022-56 Packetizer v.1.0 (Rev. 2) - The IP core does not add null octets for partially filled packets of the last datagram of the video frame contrary to the SMPTE 6 specification


The SMPTE 6 specification SMPTE ST 2022-6:2012 Page 6 states the following about the last datagram of the Video Frame:.

"The last datagram of the video frame, being only partially filled with luminance and color-difference values, shall have additional null octets added to achieve a total length of 1376 octets"

However the Modular Media over IP ST2022-56 Packetizer does not follow this in example design simulation and also when it is checked in hardware from the Wireshark logs.


This is a known issue in the Vivado 2016.3 Modular Media over IP ST2022-56 Packetizer v.1.0 (Rev. 2).

This issue is resolved in Vivado 2016.4 Modular Media over IP ST2022-56 Packetizer v.1.0 (Rev. 3).

Please see (Xilinx Answer 67949) for a patch for the Modular Media over IP ST2022-56 Packetizer v.1.0 Rev2 in Vivado 2016.3.



AR# 68029
日期 02/28/2017
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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