AR# 68237


2016.x - 2017.2 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC - QSPI programming requires the QSPI Feedback Clock on MIO6


QSPI programming (for example on a ZCU102 board) requires that the FSBL be generated with the QSPI Feedback Clock enabled.

This applies to Zynq UltraScale+ devices booting in JTAG mode from both XSDK and Vivado Hardware Manager.


The 2016.x to 2017.2 versions of the QSPI Programmer probe the flash at 60MHz, and fail if the QSPI Feedback clock is NOT enabled in the Hardware configuration used to build the FSBL.

In the 2017.3 release, the probing is performed at lower frequencies (<40MHz) and the QSPI Feedback clock is not a requirement for programming.

AR# 68237
日期 12/07/2017
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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