AR# 9756


3.1i Design Manager - Project Properties->Version List/Revision List feature doesn't work on first version/revision specified


Keywords: Version List, Revision List, File List, project properties, copy, seeds file

Urgency: Standard

General Description:

After initially creating a project and setting up your Project Properties
to indicate copying of files into either a version or revision directory,
as indicated in (Xilinx Solution 6704), you will notice that you do not
see the appropriate files copied over in the first version/revision created
within Design Manager.


This feature does not currently work on the first version/revision specified.

What you will notice in the directory structure is a "seedsrev.lst" in either
the version or revision directory (depending upon if you choose version list
or revision list). This file indicates the path to the file specified to be copied.

On subsequent revisions that are created, however, the seeds file feature does
in fact work. This feature will be fixed in the next major release of our software.
AR# 9756
日期 07/31/2002
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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