Image Technology Laboratory Corp. (ITL) offers design/consulting services in all areas of product development for clients. ITL has expertise in embedded system design, digital-signal-processing, image-processing and advanced multimedia product design. We have been doing board level designs and FPGA/CPLD designs. We have significant software development experience using C, C++ and assembly languages. Together we can provide complete design solutions for customers. We have hardware development experience using VHDL, Verilog-HDL, Forge (Java), System generator (MATLAB/Simulink). We have strong design service expertise on Micro-Processor based systems, including MicroBlaze™ soft processor and Zynq-7000 AP SoC platform. We provide a MIPI CSI-2/USB3.0 Frame Grabber, ITL-MU3, which mounts a Spartan-6 as an image-processing engine. Customers can quickly and easily build high performance image processing systems with our SDK. We also offer image processing design services for the camera.