I encounter the following fatal error when I attempt to simulate my design using ISE Simulator (ISim):
FATAL_ERROR:Simulator:Fuse.cpp:217:1.95 - Failed to compile one of the generated C code. Please recompile with -mt off -v 1 switch to identify which design unit failed. Process will terminate.
How can I resolve this issue?
Solution 1
This fatal error might occur due to an unexpected condition while compiling the sources of your design.
It might be possible to work around this fatal error by reviewing details of the fatal error.
You can learn more about the nature of the fatal crash by enabling verbose debugging messages from the compiler.
Using these messages, you can learn whether modifications to your source code can resolve the fatal error.
Enabling Verbose Messaging :
If using ISE Project Navigator:
Add the switch "-v 1" in the Other Compiler Options property name, under the Simulate Behavioral/Post Place and Route Model properties (make sure the Property Display Level in this property window is set to Advanced).
If using a batch file:
Add "-v 1" to the fuse command.
Please help us address this issue in a future update of the ISE Design Suite tools by informing Xilinx Technical Support of the issue.
Contact information can be found at: http://www.xilinx.com/support/techsup/tappinfo.htm
Solution 2
By default, the ISE Simulator compiler (fuse) uses multi-threading when compiling design sources.
A fatal error might occur due to an unexpected compilation error while multi-threading is enabled.
It might be possible to work around this fatal error by disabling multi-threading.
Disabling Multi-Threading
If using ISE Project Navigator:
Add the switch "-mt off" in the Other Compiler Options property name. Under the Simulate Behavioral/Post Place and Route Model properties, make sure the Property Display Level in this property window is set to Advanced.
If using a batch file:
Add "-mt off" to the fuse command line.
Refer to the ISim Help documentation for information on multi-threading.
Please help Xilinx address this issue in a future update of the ISE Design Suite tools by informing Technical Support of the issue.
Solution 3
This fatal error can occur if the ISim compiler (fuse) is being run on an unsupported operating system.
Check whether your operating system is supported by visiting the ISE Operating System Support Page at: http://www.xilinx.com/ise/ossupport/#simulator
Solution 4
This fatal error can occur if the ISim compiler (fuse) is launched using a DOS-formatted batch file in a Linux environment.
Certain DOS carriage return characters can cause the ISim compiler to fail.
Solution 5
This is a known issue with ISim in ISE Design Suite 11.1 tools and it has been fixed in ISE Design Suite 11 Update 2 (11.2).
Please download and install the latest ISE Design Suite version from the Download Center at: http://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.htm
Solution 6
This fatal error can occur if the GNU Compiler (GCC) is missing or has not been installed on your machine.
Use verbose messaging (as shown in Solution 1) to learn whether there are errors issued when ISim attempts to launch GCC.
The fatal error can also occur if certain GCC-specific system environment variables are set.
Refer to (Xilinx Answer 33845) for more information on how to identify and resolve this issue.
Solution 7
This fatal error can occur when compiling some designs that require a large amount of memory (~2GB) on a 32-bit system.
Please monitor the memory usage of the ISim compiler (fuse).
If a large amount of memory is used prior to the fatal crash, please simulate the design on a supported 64-bit environment.
This issue is currently under investigation in order to better address this condition in a future release of the ISE Simulator.
Please inform Xilinx Technical Support of the issue by contacting them at: http://www.xilinx.com/support/techsup/tappinfo.htm
Solution 8
This fatal error can occur if the $timeformat Verilog system task is used in the design.
This issue has been fixed in ISE Design Suite 11 Update 2 (11.2).
Please download and install the latest ISE Design Suite update from the Download Center at: http://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.htm.
Solution 9
This fatal error can occur if there are unconstrained ports in an entity.
For example:
A : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(n-1 downto 0);
B : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(n-1 downto 0);
C : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(n-1 downto 0);
Adding "(n-1 downto 0)" to the S port above resolves the fatal error.