AR# 33221: SP601 - Schematics point to XC6SLX16 I/O net names that differ from Packaging and Pinout Specifications and pkg files
AR# 33221
SP601 - Schematics point to XC6SLX16 I/O net names that differ from Packaging and Pinout Specifications and pkg files
There are some minor discrepancies in I/O net names in SP601 schematics (can accessed from the Spartan-6 FPGA Packaging and Pinout Specifications (UG385.pdf) and pkg files.
The I/O pin names referred to in the Spartan-6 FPGA Packaging and Pinout Specification and the Pinout Files override the pin names used in the Schematics. The ISE software should be identical to the Pinout Files: