AR# 33354


11.3 EDK - ML510 Timing error on NET "Ethernet_MAC/Ethernet_MAC/phy_tx_clk_i" MAXSKEW = 5 ns;


When I build an ML510 design with the xps_ethernetlite Core, I receive the following timing error:

Timing constraint: NET "Ethernet_MAC/Ethernet_MAC/phy_tx_clk_i" MAXSKEW = 5 ns;

1 net analyzed, 1 failing net detected.

1 timing error detected.

Maximum net skew is 5.013ns.


This is an invalid timing error from the timing engine, and it can be safely ignored. If this is your only timing constraint, you can disable the prevention of creating bitstreams by:

1. In XPS, select the Project pull down menu.

2. Select Project Options.

3. Select the Hierarchy and Flow tab.

4. Deselect "Treat timing closure failure as error".

This problem has been fixed in EDK 11.4, available at:



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
38095 ML510 - Known Issues and Release Notes Master Answer Record N/A N/A
AR# 33354
日期 12/15/2012
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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