AR# 33430


ISE Simulator (ISim) - Error "Read on file called at end of file" asserted by ISim when reading a binary file


When I run a simulation that reads in a binary file, I get the following error:

ERROR: In process bmpfile.vhd:read_file_p

Read on file called at end of file

INFO: Simulator is stopped.

This occurs only on a Windows machine. The simulation runs successfully on a Linux machine.

How can I resolve this issue?


This is a known issue. It has been fixed in ISE Design Suite 11 Update 3 (11.3). Please download and install the latest ISE Design Suite update from the Download Center at:



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
33381 ISE Design Suite 11 - ISE Simulator (ISim) Known Issues N/A N/A
AR# 33430
日期 12/15/2012
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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