AR# 42906


13.2 EDK, MPMC - Where is the MPMC v6.04.a change log?


The MPMC v6.04.a change log does not exist in EDK 13.2.

What should its contents be?


The v6.04.a change log is as follows:

Change log for MPMC

Changes in v6.04.a, introduced in 13.2.

Note: Unless specified, limitations and resolved issues affect all previous versions.

13.2 - Changes in VHDL/Verilog/Netlist sources (.vhd, .v, .ngc, .edn)

  • Updated Spartan-6/Virtex-6 MIG PHYs to MIG release version 3.8.

  • See MIG version 3.61 and 3.8 release notes for more information about changes to MIG, supported FPGA devices, supported memory components, and board design information.

    Resolved issues:
    • [<CR592209>] Parameter value of RTT_NOM into the Virtex-6 MIG PHY was in correctly set to "0", this has been fixed and is now set to a value of "OFF".

    • [<CR592704>] Virtex-6 ODT operation now asserts ODT during writes earlier in order to accommodate the pre-assertion of the DQS signal. This should improve signal integrity during writes.

    Known Issues / Limitations:
  • 13.2 - Changes in tool interface files (.mpd)

    13.2 - Changes in Tcl script files associated with core (.tcl)

    13.2 - Changes in IP Configuration GUI (.ui)

    • [<CR592851>] Updated Virtex-6 enumerations for Output Drive Strength. The values of RZQ/6 and RZQ/7 were swapped in the GUI. RZQ/7 -- C_MEM_REDUCED_DRV(0), and RZQ/6 -- C_MEM_REDUCED_DRV(1).

    13.2 - Changes in documentation associated with core

    • Updated documentation links, revision history, and fixed typographical errors.

    • [<CR579241>] Added VFBC clarification on simultaneous read/write abilities.

    • [<CR595958>] Added simulation considerations: An explicit note that structural simulations is not supported (limitation of MIG.) Weak pull-downs might be necessary in certain top level language/simulators combinations in order for calibration to successfully complete (stops X propagations.)

    • [<CR606195>] Updated path locations of MIG files to accurately reflect their actual locations.

    • [<CR607433>] Clarified Spartan-6 LPDDR RZQ/ZIO recommended parameter/signal combinations. C_MEM_CALIBRATION_SOFT_IP = TRUE, C_MEM_SKIP_IN_TERM_CAL = 1, C_MEM_SKIP_DYNAMIC_CAL = 0, RZQ should be connected, ZIO should be omitted.

    • [<CR608972>] Added special restrictions on source of MPMC_PLL_Lock input. The MPMC_PLL_Lock must be driven directly from the PLL providing the memory clocks for the IP. If their is any logic between the output of the PLL and the input on MPMC, then a Place and Route DRC will produce an implementation error.

    AR# 42906
    日期 12/15/2012
    状态 Active
    Type 综合文章
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