AR# 43209


Licensing - A second FlexNet ID dongle is not recognized on 64-bit Windows operating systems


I have multiple hardware license dongles connected to my computer for different different licensed software I use. However, only one dongle is recognized. I know the other dongle is good because if it is the only dongle attached, it is correctly recognized and matches the license hostID.

Are there any known limitations when using multiple FlexNet ID USB dongles on a 64-bit Windows operating system. What are these limitations and possible workarounds for using multiple FlexNet ID dongles on a 64-bit Windows operating system?


There is a limitation of the FlexNet IDdonglesand Flexlicensing softwareon a64-bit Windowsoperating systems where only one dongle is detected even when multiple dongles are attached to the machine. This limitation applies to all the versions of ISE Design Suite that use FlexNet licensing from 11.1 to the current release.

Please refer to the note onpage 3 of the link belowwhich specifiesthe limitation:

Possible Workarounds:

When installing the ISE Design Suitesoftware on a 64-bit machine, both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the tools are installed. This means it is possible to use two dongles when running the 32-bit version of the tools. Therefore, you can:

  1. Try running one version of software as 32-bit and the other as 64-bit. This will work as long as you insert the dongle for the 64-bit software into the primary USB port and the dongle for the 32-bit software into the secondary USB port.
  2. Work with 32-bit versions of both of the tools.
  3. Use only one dongle at a time.
  4. Retarget the two licenses (eg: Modelsim and Xilinx) to one dongle. That is, since you have access to re-host the Xilinx license through the Xilinx licensing site (\getlicense), re-host the license targeting to the Modelsim dongle ID .
  5. If there is only one computer that the dongle will be used on, regenerate the license such that it is node-locked to the computer's IP MAC address rather than the hardware dongle.
AR# 43209
日期 05/19/2012
状态 Active
Type 已知问题
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