AR# 43335


13.2 EDK - Can I use Digilent Cables with SDK/XMD?


Can I use Digilent Cables with SDK? (for example,Model HS1)


Yes, while the ChipScope and iMPACT toolssupport one-click changes to use the Digilent Cable, there are extra steps you must take to usethis cabledriver in SDK/XMD.

If you are using the SDK version 13.2 or later, setting the cable selection to "Auto" is the only step necessary.

If you areusing a pre-13.2 SDK version, follow these steps first:

  1. Download Adept and the driver plugin from Digilent.
  2. InstallAdept and the Driver(see the PDF in the extracted directory).
  3. Open the SDK.
  4. Click on "Xilinx Tools."
  5. Click on "Configure JTAG Settings."
  6. Change the JTAG Cable Type to "3rd Party Cable, Xilinx Plug-in."
  7. Change the Other Options to "-cable type xilinx_plugin modulename digilent_plugin."
AR# 43335
日期 12/15/2012
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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