AR# 44397


13.x/14.x iMPACT - Cable Driver Installation - Installation passes on Windows 7 but the Jungo driver Windrvr6 does not operate or appear in the device manager


Installation of my cable completes successfully and the install log or Xinfo contains the following:

Installing WinDriver6...
wdreg exepath=C:\Xilinx\<version>\ISE_DS\common\bin\nt64\wdreg.exe.
install command=C:\Xilinx\<version>\ISE_DS\common\bin\nt64\wdreg.exe -silent -inf C:\Xilinx\13.2\ISE_DS\common\bin\nt64\windrvr6.inf install.
Installer exit code = 0.
wdreg exepath=C:\Xilinx\<version>\ISE_DS\common\bin\nt64\wdreg.exe.
install command=C:\Xilinx\<version>\ISE_DS\common\bin\nt64\wdreg.exe -silent -inf C:\Xilinx\13.2\ISE_DS\common\bin\nt64\xusbdrvr.inf install.
Installer exit code = 0.
DriverInstaller->Dest Path = C:\Windows\system32\drivers\xpc4drvr.sys
DriverInstaller->Source Path = C:\Xilinx\<version>\ISE_DS\common\bin\nt64\xpc4drvr.sys
File C:\Windows\system32\drivers\xpc4drvr.sys not found.
File version of C:\Xilinx\<version>\ISE_DS\common\bin\nt64\xpc4drvr.sys is 1041.
DriverInstaller->XilinxPC4Driver First State = 4.
DriverInstaller->XilinxPC4Driver started.
Driver installation successful.

However, iMPACT reports that it cannot find the cable and the Jungo driver never appears in Device manager. 

When I check, Windrvr6.sys is not copied to the system32 directory. 

The driver cannot be manually installed either.

I am attempting a manual install using the following the command line:

wdreg -infC:\Xilinx\<version>\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt64windrvr6.inf install

However I receive the message below:

difx_install_preinstall_inf: err a, last event 0, last error 0. ERROR_BAD_ENVIR

Why is the windrvr6 driver not installed?


This has been seen on some Windows 7 machines due to an issue with the difxapi.dll file supplied by Jungo.

The work-around is to manually install using the -compat option to bypass this. 

You will need to uninstall and reinstall the cable driver to do this.

  1. In a command prompt browse to your "C:\Xilinx\<version>\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt64" directory on 64-bit installs or "C:\Xilinx\<version>\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt" on 32-bit installs.
  2. To uninstall type the command:
    wdreg -compat -inf %cd%\windrvr6.inf uninstall
  3. To reinstall type the command:
    wdreg -compat -inf %cd%\windrvr6.inf install



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
40503 13.x iMPACT - Known Issues for the iMPACT 13.x Software N/A N/A


Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
50079 Kintex-7 FPGA KC705 Evaluation Kit - Board Debug Checklist N/A N/A
51233 Virtex-7 FPGA VC707 Evaluation Kit - Board Debug Checklist N/A N/A
AR# 44397
日期 01/30/2018
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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