AR# 44979


13.3 Project Navigator - "Error: xx.v(xx): Module 'xxx_MACRO' is not defined" in behavioral simulation using Modelsim launched from Project Navigator


Modelsim is reporting that my instantiated Unisim macros are not defined.

I have a Verilog design, and am simulating with Modelsim launched from Project Navigator.

Example: I instantiated an ADDMACC_MACRO and the following error occurs:

"** Error: top.v(47): Module 'ADDMACC_MACRO' is not defined."

How to resolve this error?


This error occurs because "-L unimacro_ver" switch is not in the VSIM command line in the .fdo file.

"vsim -voptargs="+acc" -t 1ps -L xilinxcorelib_ver -L unisims_ver -L secureip -lib work work.tb glbl"

A design contains Macros requires unimacro libraries for simulation. To resolve this issue, add "-L unimacro_ver"to the "Other vsim command line options" in the simulation properties.

This issue has been resolved in Project Navigator 13.4.

AR# 44979
日期 12/15/2012
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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