AR# 51042


Vivado HLS - RTL export results in "@E [IMPL-28] Failed to generate IP" or "@E [IMPL-4] 'xtclsh' cannot be found. Please check your PATH variable."


RTL export with format of IP-XACT results in the following error:

@I [IMPL-8] Exporting RTL as an IP in IP-XACT.
'vivado' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
@E [IMPL-28] Failed to generate IP.

RTL export with format of Pcore for EDK results in the following error:

@E [IMPL-4] 'xtclsh' cannot be found. Please check your PATH variable.


To perform RTL implementation, Vivado HLS must invoke either Vivado or ISE design tools; therefore, the Xilinx tools path must be known. A few ways to achieve this are explained below:

  • Create a project with Vivado or ISE design tools and import the RTL source files from the Vivado HLS project. The RTL outputs or IP core will be available in the <project>/solution<#>/impl folder.
  • Alternatively, invoke Vivado HLS from the Vivado or ISE command line by browsing to the <Xilinx_installation_directory>\Vivado_HLS\<xilinx_version_number>\bin\vivado_hls
  • Setup the Xilinx environment as described in (Xilinx Answer 39339) before invoking Vivado HLS.



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
47429 Xilinx Vivado HLS Solution Center - Top Issues N/A N/A


AR# 51042
日期 10/05/2012
状态 Active
Type 已知问题
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