Vivado synthesis does not infer a block RAM when an asynchronous reset is used on an output register. Here is an example:
module test # (
parameter data_w = 32,
addr_w = 9
input rst_n,
input wrclk,
input rdclk,
input [addr_w-1:0] wraddr,
input [addr_w-1:0] rdaddr,
input [data_w-1:0] data,
input wren,
output reg [data_w-1:0] dout
always @ (posedge wrclk)
mem[wraddr] <= data;
Vivado Synthesis currently infers LUTRAM's and inference of block RAM is not currently supported when an asynchronous reset is present onan output register.
AR# 53505 | |
日期 | 12/14/2012 |
状态 | Active |
Type | 已知问题 |
Tools |