AR# 53539


LogiCORE IP DisplayPort v3.2 - Why does the DisplayPort Source core Stop sending audio after a reset?


Why does the DisplayPort Source core Stop sending audio after a reset?

In some cases after a reset, the DisplayPort Source core stops sending valid audio data.  

This is due to a possible corruption in the audio header packet when a reset is applied.


A fix for the audio header packet corruption has been added to the DisplayPort Source core.

This fix will be available in next version of the LogiCORE DisplayPort core.

If you need a patch for the DisplayPort v3.2, please contact  Xilinx Technical Support.

Please see (Xilinx Answer 33258) for a detailed list of LogiCORE IP DisplayPort Release Notes and Known Issues.



AR# 53539
日期 08/26/2014
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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