AR# 54382


Digilent Programming Cables - Driver Install FAQ


This answer record provides an overview of how to manually install Digilent Programming Cable drivers.


The Digilent plug-in software and cable drivers must be installed on your machine for you to be able to run the applications from the network. These instructions assume the cable driver installation has been selected when installing Xilinx tools and that the driver files have been extracted to the machine by the installer.

For the Windows platform:

  1. The Digilent Cable must be physically connected to the machine for some files to copy over before installation. Ensure this is done before starting.
  2. Disconnect the cable and make sure that you have administrator privileges.
  3. Cd (change directory) to <Xilinx install>\digilent.
  4. Run install_digilent.exe and complete the installation wizard.
  5. Reconnect the cable.

If the above procedure does not help, try uninstalling the Digilent drivers completely. Existing older versions of the drivers can cause conflicts.

For the Linux platform, the Adept run-time, ftdi drivers, plug-in software and libusb 1.0 package must be installed:

  1. The Digilent Cable must be physically connected to the machine for some files to copy over before installation. Ensure this is done before starting.
  2. Disconnect the cable and make sure that you have administrator privileges.
  3. Create a /tmp/digilent_install directory.
  4. Copy the /<Xilinx install>/bin/lin(64)/digilent directory to the newly created /tmp/digilent_install.
  5. Install the Adept run-time software, run the install script with root/sudo permission.

    cd digilent.adept.runtime*
    ./ silent=1
    cd ..

  6. Install the ftdi drivers, run the install script with root/sudo permission
    cd ftdi*
    ./ silent=1
    cd ..

  7. Install the plug-in software without root/sudo permission.

    - cd libCseDigilent* - ./ silent=1

  8. Install the libusb1.0 package (current version is 1.0.8), run the install script without root/sudo permission. To ensure you have the correct LIBUSB version, please refer to (Xilinx Answer 42728).

    cd ~
    tar xvf <directory containing downloaded LIBUSB archive>/libusb-1.0.8.tar
    cd libusb-1.0.8
    ./configure --prefix=/home/<username>/libusb1_<32 | 64> -- select 32 or 64 bit depending on your platform
    make install
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/<username>/libusb1_<32 | 64>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PAT

If the above procedure does not help, try uninstalling the Digilent driver and Xilinx tools and start fresh with a new Xilinx tools install.

Note: To make libusb 1.0 available to the user every time (even after reboots), one way is to modify your login script (e.g., ".cshrc") to add /home/username/libusb1_ <32 | 64> /lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.



AR# 54382
日期 09/10/2013
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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