AR# 56168


LogiCORE DisplayPort v3.2 - Error in Simulation - Test Failed when targeting Artix-7


While running simulations with DisplayPort v3.2 generated from ISE Design Suite 14.6 targeting Artix-7 devices, simulation failures might be observed with the latest GT models.

For example:

Line Number 130: # [INFO] TEST FAILED!


DisplayPort v3.2 does not include the Soft Fix for GT reset sequence logic (gtp_gtrxreset_seq module) for Artix-7 devices;

This has been updated in v4.0 of the core.

For Artix-7 devices it is recommended to use the Display Port v4.0 Rev1 or later, available in Vivado release 2013.2 or later due to changes in the DRP monitor for the GT.

Please see (Xilinx Answer 33258) for a detailed list of LogiCORE IP Display Port Release Notes and Known Issues.

Revision History:
5/28/2013 - Initial Release



AR# 56168
日期 08/26/2014
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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