AR# 57951


LogiCORE DisplayPort v4.1 - Why does a type mismatch error occur when simulating with Synopsys VCS H-2013.06-3?


Why does a mismatch error occur when simulating with Synopsys VCS H-2013.06-3?

Error-[OVA1ACTUALTYPEMISMATCH] Type mismatch ./../core_example/core_example.srcs/sources_1/ip/core/displayport_v4_1/displayport_v4_1_rxlink_top.vhd, 737 DISPLAYPORT_V4_1_RX_LINK

`protect end_protected Actual designator is not of the correct type. INTEGER is expected. Implicit type conversion cannot be performed.


This is a known issue when simulating the DisplayPort v4.1 core with Synopsys VCS H-2013.06-3. However, Synopsys has fixed this issue in 2014.03 beta release. Please contact Synopsys support for beta release.

Note: Xilinx has not verified IPs with VCS 2014.03 beta release.



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
54522 LogiCORE IP DisplayPort -面向 Vivado 2013.1 和更新工具版本的版本说明和已知问题 N/A N/A
AR# 57951
日期 11/27/2013
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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