AR# 58075


14.7 SDK - Debugging an application using the System Debugger results in "Cannot access AFI registers"


If I attempt to debug an application using the System Debugger, the following message occurs:

Cannot access AFI registers.

How can this be addressed?


This issue occurs if the init_user is used as opposed to the recommended ps7_post_config process to initialize the PL/PS boundary. Users may be using the init_user process if the hardware platform (hw_platform) is created from an older project (created before14.6).

To work around this issue, download the patch attached to this answer record and follow the instructions below:

  1. Extract the contents of the attached zip file to the SDK installation folder to path <SDK_Install_Dir>\SDK\2013.3\eclipse\nt64\eclipse\plugins.
  2. Restart SDK, if opened.


文件名 文件大小 File Type 45 KB ZIP
AR# 58075
日期 11/05/2013
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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