The following usage of instance array in System Verilog causes an error in Vivado Synthesis.
Example code:
typedef enum logic [1:0] {s0, s1, s2, s3} enum_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic [7:0] a;
enum_t x;
logic b;
} struct_t;
module top (
input struct_t din [1:0],
input struct_t dout [1:0]
struct_t din_0,din_1;
struct_t dout_0,dout_1;
sub u[1:0] (
assign din_0 = din[0];
assign din_1 = din[1];
assign dout[0] = dout_0;
assign dout[1] = dout_1;
module sub (
input struct_t din,
output struct_t dout
assign dout = din;
Vivado Synthesis is not able to resolve the port width mapping in the instance array when accessing the structure.
ERROR: [Synth 8-550] port width mismatch in instance array for port 'din[a]': actual width = 22, formal width = 8, instance count = 2 [XX/]
Support for the structure type of port map in an instance array has been added in Vivado 2017.3.
AR# 60015 | |
日期 | 01/05/2018 |
状态 | Active |
Type | 已知问题 |
Tools |