When using the Find command in Vivado 2013.4 to find nets, I would like the tool to return only unique nets.
Instead I see each net segment listed.
For Example, the find command to find all signal nets with flat pin count > 1000 is below:
%show_obj [get_nets -hier * -filter {FLAT_PIN_COUNT > 1000 && TYPE == SIGNAL}]
The resulting list shows the same net several times broken out as different net segments.
How can I make the Find command return only unique nets?
In Vivado 2014.1, a new option, "Display unique nets", has been added to the Find command and will be selected by default.
Below is an example Tcl command, using the new option to only return unique nets.
%show_obj [get_nets -hier * -top_net_of_hierarchical_group -filter {FLAT_PIN_COUNT > 1000 && TYPE == SIGNAL}]