AR# 60375


2014.1 Install - Does Vivado 2014.1 have a silent installation option?


Is there a way to run the Vivado 2014.1 installation in silent / batch mode?

In previous releases, it was possible to create a batch file as in the below example:

Run the following from a command prompt/terminal from the installers <INSTALLER_LOCATION>/bin/[PLATFORM]

batchxsetup(.exe) -samplebatchscript <batch_file_name>

However, this is no longer possible with the 2014.1 release as there is no batchxsetup.exe file.

Attempting to run batchxsetup results in the following error:

ERROR: The Xilinx installer command line interface is not supported. Please contact Xilinx Technical Support if you need a solution to install from command line.

Is there a way to run the Vivado 2014.1 installation in silent mode?


The Vivado 2014.1 installer does not support batch mode. 

However, a batch install option is available with the later Vivado releases (i.e. with 2015.x and newer versions of Vivado).

User Guide 973 (UG973) explains the Batch Mode Installation Flow.;t=vivado+release+notes

Note: A non-productized solution for Vivado 2014.x is available upon request. 

In order to get access to the batch install information, please open a case with Xilinx Technical Support.

The technical support engineer will first send an Email regarding user acceptance of the Xilinx and third party End User License Agreements (EULAs).

Once the technical support engineer receives a return email with all three of the EULAs accepted, they will send the instructions on how to make batch installation work in Vivado 2014.x.

AR# 60375
日期 07/05/2018
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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