AR# 61784


LogiCORE IP DisplayPort - Why do I recieve an error when trying to generate a bitstream that includes the DisplayPort core?


Why do I receive a Critical Warning saying the Reed-Solomon Decoder license is not found, and an Error in Synthesis saying a license was not found for the DisplayPort core?

ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: This design contains a core for which bitstream generation is not supported:
dp_policy_maker_inst/design_1_i/displayport_0 (design_1_displayport_0_0_dport_wrapper Version 0)

while executing
"write_bitstream -force dp_sink_pm_v1_0.bit "
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Wed Aug 13 13:48:22 2014..


This can happen if the core was generated without a Bought or Hardware Evaluation license.
When the DisplayPort core Audio option is selected, it also incudes the S/PDIF core.
In addition, if the DisplayPort core is configured as a DisplayPort Sink with the Audio option selected it also includes a Reed Solomon Decoder core.

If the proper license for the DisplayPort core, or the sub-cores is not found, then you will also receive the above error saying that the DisplayPort core instance in your design does not support bitstream generation.

More information on the licensing options for the DisplayPort core can be found in the LogiCORE IP DisplayPort Product Guide PG064 under Licensing and Ordering Information section, or on the LogiCORE DisplayPort product page.

To work around this, ensure that you have the appropriate license, and then reset the DisplayPort core output products and regenerate the core.



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
54522 LogiCORE IP DisplayPort -面向 Vivado 2013.1 和更新工具版本的版本说明和已知问题 N/A N/A


AR# 61784
日期 11/10/2014
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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