AR# 62121


Vivado Synthesis - Non-integer generics are not supported in TCL/GUI mode


Synthesis works correctly when setting generic to something other than an integer within the VHDL code, for example:

prop : time := 100 ps,

However, if Tcl or the Vivado GUI is used to set the generic property used by synthesis, synthesis errors out with a message similar to the following:

ERROR: [Synth 8-111] bad syntax for constant: '1.0 ps'


This is a known limitation of the synthesis tool.

Currently, non-integer generics are not supported when set using TCL or the GUI.

To work around this issue, set it directly in the VHDL code as stated in the "Description" above.
AR# 62121
日期 09/26/2014
状态 Active
Type 已知问题
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