AR# 62302


2014.2 Vivado - Unexpected error has ocurred with " const&, std::basic_string, std::allocator >&)+0x15) [0x2ab4c9d3e555]"


Vivado fails to open a project in GUI mode with the bellow stack info:

.../Vivado/2014.2/tps/lnx64/jre/lib/amd64/server/ [0x2aaacb9f07a9]
.../Vivado/2014.2/tps/lnx64/jre/lib/amd64/server/ [0x2aaacb9f6216]
/lib64/ [0x34886302d0]
.../Vivado/2014.2/lib/lnx64.o/ const&, std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >&)+0x15) [0x2ab4c9d3e555]


To get more information, try to open the project in Tcl mode:

vivado -mode tcl
open_project <project_name>.xpr

If the following error is seen, the problem is related to an empty part or board in the *.xpr file

ERROR: [Common 17-70] Application Exception: DesignSpec: NULL part 

To work around the problem, open the *.xpr file and search for the part or board fields.

If they are empty or not present then add the following line:

<Option Name="Part" Val="DEVICE_PART"/>

In Vivado 2014.3 a check was added to the project parser. 

If the Part field is null, it will issue a Critical Warning and set the Part to the default part.

AR# 62302
日期 01/15/2015
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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