AR# 64741


2015.1 - Vivado Partial Reconfiguration Controller IP supports encryption only for UltraScale devices


Does the Partial Reconfiguration Controller (PRC) IP support encryption and other bitstream options?


Encrypted partial bitstreams are supported by the PRC for UltraScale devices only.

For 7 series, only unencrypted partial bitstreams can be delivered by the PRC.

A custom controller would be needed to deliver encrypted partial bitstreams; the configuration engine itself supports this capability.

The PRC supports all other bitstream options, such as compression, per-frame CRC, and blanking bitstreams.

Support in the PRC for encrypted partial bitstreams for 7 series is planned for a future Vivado release.

AR# 64741
日期 06/10/2015
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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