AR# 66907


LogiCORE DisplayPort v6.1 (Rev. 1) - Why do I see training Lost interrupts after training is done and while the Video is Running in the RX core?


After the training is done and the video has started transmitting, the DisplayPort RX gives training Lost interrupts after running for a random amount of time (between 1 minute to 6-7 hours).

There is no issue with the video output. How can this be corrected?


This is a known issue in the Vivado 2015.4 DisplayPort v6.1 (Rev. 1) IP.

This issue is resolved in Vivado 2016.1.

Please see (Xilinx Answer 66301) for a patch for the DisplayPort v6.1 (Rev. 1) in Vivado 2015.4.



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
54522 LogiCORE IP DisplayPort -面向 Vivado 2013.1 和更新工具版本的版本说明和已知问题 N/A N/A
AR# 66907
日期 04/04/2016
状态 Archive
Type 综合文章
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